Derek Peebles
Derek Peebles is the Executive Director of the American Independent Business Alliance (AMIBA). AMIBA has supported and formed more than 60 independent business alliances (IBA’s) that are geographically dispersed around the country. These IBA’s count for over 60,000 local businesses as members throughout 26 states that are united in support of protecting local economies.
Derek is a leader in community economic development with extensive success moving organizations forward by building on cross-cultural and cross-sector collaboration. He began his career in small business banking and over the past 15 years has successfully organized local business communities, residents, and institutions to leverage both social and private capital for sustainable economic development.
Prior to AMIBA, Derek served as the Director of the Economics of Compassion Initiative, funded as a ministry of Cincinnati’s Christ Church Cathedral. Through this ministry, Derek led numerous Episcopal congregations through “Sacred Ground”, a 16-week conversation series on the history of Racism in America. Recently joining Bella Bank’s advisory board, Derek also serves as an advisor and board member for the American Sustainable Business Network, the Small Business Anti-Displacement Network, Green Umbrella, Christ Church Cathedral’s Next Century Committee, and Brick Gardens. He currently resides in the greater Cincinnati Ohio area.
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