Make a Donation

Looking for a way to contribute to J.E.D.I Collaborative?
Make a donation today!

Donor Partner Levels

Whether you want to make a donation as an individual or on behalf of an organization, you can contribute! We have co-created partnership opportunities at various levels as well as the option to make a general donation in any amount. Please consider a 3-year commitment for deeper partnership integration.

Leadership icon

J.E.D.I Champion

  • Highlighted as a key partner on the J.E.D.I Collaborative™ website and events
  • Thank you on our LinkedIn page
  • Receive a sponsors badge to feature on your website & outward facing materials
  • Your logo featured in monthly newsletter
  • Invitation to private/members only events
  • Provide your org with a quote/testimonial demonstrating your commitment to our JEDI work
  • Feature/article on your organization and/or a specific initiative in relevant OSC JEDI newsletter
  • Spotlighted in OSC PR – Amplification of your support/JEDI efforts throughout our partner network
Leader icon

J.E.D.I Leader

  • Highlighted as a key partner on the J.E.D.I Collaborative™ website and events
  • Thank you on our LinkedIn page
  • Receive a sponsors badge to feature on your website & outward facing materials
  • Your logo featured in monthly newsletter
  • Invitation to private/members only events
  • Provide your org with a quote/testimonial demonstrating your commitment to our JEDI work
  • Feature/article on your organization and/or a specific initiative in relevant OSC JEDI newsletter
Social icon

J.E.D.I Steward

  • Highlighted as a key partner on the J.E.D.I Collaborative™ website and events
  • Thank you on our LinkedIn page
  • Receive a sponsors badge to feature on your website & outward facing materials
  • Your logo featured in monthly newsletter
  • Invitation to private/members only events
  • Provide your org with a quote/testimonial demonstrating your commitment to our JEDI work
Friendship icon

J.E.D.I Friend

  • Receive a sponsors badge to feature on your website & outward facing materials
  • Your logo featured on our JEDI supporters webpage
  • Provide your org with a quote/testimonial demonstrating your commitment to our JEDI work

Thank You to Our Donor Partners

J.E.D.I Advocate
J.E.D.I Champion
J.E.D.I Leader
J.E.D.I Steward
J.E.D.I Friend
J.E.D.I CEO Action Initiative Enrolling NowLearn More