Looking for a way to contribute to J.E.D.I Collaborative?
Make a donation today!
Donor Partner Levels
Whether you want to make a donation as an individual or on behalf of an organization, you can contribute! We have co-created partnership opportunities at various levels as well as the option to make a general donation in any amount. Please consider a 3-year commitment for deeper partnership integration.
J.E.D.I Champion
- Highlighted as a key partner on the J.E.D.I Collaborative™ website and events
- Thank you on our LinkedIn page
- Receive a sponsors badge to feature on your website & outward facing materials
- Your logo featured in monthly newsletter
- Invitation to private/members only events
- Provide your org with a quote/testimonial demonstrating your commitment to our JEDI work
- Feature/article on your organization and/or a specific initiative in relevant OSC JEDI newsletter
- Spotlighted in OSC PR – Amplification of your support/JEDI efforts throughout our partner network
J.E.D.I Leader
- Highlighted as a key partner on the J.E.D.I Collaborative™ website and events
- Thank you on our LinkedIn page
- Receive a sponsors badge to feature on your website & outward facing materials
- Your logo featured in monthly newsletter
- Invitation to private/members only events
- Provide your org with a quote/testimonial demonstrating your commitment to our JEDI work
- Feature/article on your organization and/or a specific initiative in relevant OSC JEDI newsletter
J.E.D.I Steward
- Highlighted as a key partner on the J.E.D.I Collaborative™ website and events
- Thank you on our LinkedIn page
- Receive a sponsors badge to feature on your website & outward facing materials
- Your logo featured in monthly newsletter
- Invitation to private/members only events
- Provide your org with a quote/testimonial demonstrating your commitment to our JEDI work
J.E.D.I Friend
- Receive a sponsors badge to feature on your website & outward facing materials
- Your logo featured on our JEDI supporters webpage
- Provide your org with a quote/testimonial demonstrating your commitment to our JEDI work